April 12th, 2016


In progress. A prototype for an installation of 2-screen diptych, rose and birds. Built with Processing. Collaboration w. Sooin Lee. @2016.

#Processing/p5.js, #Installation


August 13th, 2015

34,065 Meteorite Strikes


34,065 Meteorite Strikes
A study of data visualization with 34,065 meteor strike data. Marker scale reflects the relative sizes of the meteorites. Top 10 big meteorites are specified with detail information. Built with Processing. @2015.

#DataViz, #Processing, #Map


August 10th, 2015

Broadway Boogie Woogie (Light and Movement #2)


Broadway Boogie Woogie, after Mondrian (Light and Movement #2)
The random movement of black & white cells, images, arrows, numbers, and yellow cab roof lights. This project is part of a prototype for an installation with LCD tiles. Built with Processing. @2014.

open movie »

#Processing/p5.js, #Installation



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